Tag: sauté

Pissaladiere Tart Makes a Briny Blast

Pissaladiere Tart Makes a Briny Blast

Pissaladiere tart will brighten up your stay-at-home days. These bites are small, but mighty, a real flavor blast and a nod to French cuisine.  Though the French lost out to the Spaniards in their efforts of empire-building in Texas, we nonetheless enjoy their lasting influence […]

Fresh Corn Skillet – Guisado De Maíz

Fresh Corn Skillet – Guisado De Maíz

This fresh corn skillet, Guisado De Maíz, is all about simplicity and the importance of basic cooking techniques. “Do the basics brilliantly”  was the constant mantra of one of my chef instructors at the Culinary Institute of America, Chef Hinnerk Von Bargen. It was also […]

Chile Serrano Scallops – A Twist On Julia Child

Chile Serrano Scallops – A Twist On Julia Child

I call this dish, Chile Serrano Scallops, although the inspiration comes from the French, Coquilles St. Jacques à La Provençale.  Because I fiddled and deviated from the traditional recipe, I don’t use the traditional name.  I like to keeps things clear. It’s not that I […]

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

Perfect for Fall, this french onion tart is a must just plain delicious. Though the French lost out to the Spaniards in their efforts of empire-building in Texas, we nonetheless enjoy their lasting influence on our cuisine.  Our traditional wheat roll, bolillo, is French, as […]

Brussels Sprouts with Serrano and Pecans

Brussels Sprouts with Serrano and Pecans

This brussels sprouts dish is a prime example of how foods evolve in delicious ways through human migration and cultural crossings. This robust dish augments the unique flavor of the sprouts (make sure you get fresh ones) with two Texas native ingredients, pecans and Serrano […]

Guisado de Maíz, Fresh Corn Sauté

Guisado de Maíz, Fresh Corn Sauté

“Do the Basics Brilliantly!” That was the constant mantra of my chef instructor at the Culinary Institute of America, Chef Hinnerk Von Bargen. It was also the oral and lived tradition at home: “pon atención!” I learned care and technique from the “práctica” at my […]

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

Pissaladière, a French onion tart

This french onion tart is a must just plain delicious.Though the French lost out to the Spaniards in their efforts of empire-building in Texas, we nonetheless enjoy their lasting influence on our cuisine.  Our traditional wheat roll, bolillo, is French, as is of course the […]