Tag: peanut candy

Mazapan Mexican Peanut Candy – A Delicious Tradition

Mazapan Mexican Peanut Candy – A Delicious Tradition

Mazapan Mexican peanut candy is lush and delicious, and it’s the perfect weekend recipe because it requires no cooking.  I suggest you call up some friends and have fun making Mexican mazapán.  Make a big batch, like I did, and you will also make memories. […]

Mazapán Mexican Candy

Mazapán Mexican Candy

Mazapán Mexican candy is a  cousin of Marzipan, which is made with almonds and sugar.  Marzipan originates in Asia and the Middle East.  Mazapán is distinctly Mexican in that it replaces the almonds with peanuts, which are of Latin American origin.  We add corn, which […]